Call for papers

Third Rencontres of young researchers in historical linguistics 

Grenoble, 4th-5th December 2025


After a first edition in Lyon (2019), and a second cancelled due to the pandemic (2020), the third Rencontres of young researchers in historical linguistics  will be held for a third time in Grenoble on the 4th and 5th of December, 2025. The conference is aimed at providing a forum for young researchers working on the history of Indo-European languages to present their work and discuss it with members of their scientific community.

The primary objective of the third Rencontres is to facilitate interactions and knowledge sharing among young researchers with similar research interests. They are intended to bring together presentations which examine either diachronic evolutions of languages or past synchronic states. We therefore welcome submissions addressing methodological or theoretical issues, or comprising case studies, in all approaches, including but not limited to: syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics, semantics, lexicology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and dialectology. 

We strongly encourage contributions that apply and/or enable computational analyses such as corpus linguistics, digital philology, textometry or any other digital humanities approach whose results may be of interest to the scientific community. In this respect, studies dealing with the conception and/or diffusion of corpora suitable for linguistic and/or philological analysis are most welcome.  


Each presentation will have a duration of 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes of discussion. The languages of communication are French and English.


These Rencontres will be held in Grenoble on the 4th and 5th of December, 2025.

The programme is principally aimed at young researchers: PhD students, Temporary Teaching Researcher Assistants (ATERs), post-doc and PhDs up to the first year of a permanent contract (lecturers or equivalent). We do accept group submissions.We strongly encourage master’s degree students to submit a proposal as well. 

A €25.00 registration fee will be charged. Exemptions are granted to young researchers who are not funded.


Anonymized abstracts of between 300 and 500 words, exclusive of a bibliography, are to be submitted to the website by 14 March 2025 at the latest. 

If you are interested in publishing an article in the conference proceedings, you will be asked to send a first draft of your article one month after the conference, hence by 12 January 2026. The papers will then be submitted for double-blind review. 

Articles should be between 8 and 10 pages long, excluding the bibliography. A Word and OpenOffice document template will be sent to you for your page layout, as well as a Zotero formatting file for the bibliography.

Should you require further information, please direct your questions to the event address:


Organizing Committee: 

Timothée Celeyron | Univ. Grenoble Alpes (LIDILEM)

Iris Fabry | Univ Grenoble Alpes (LIDILEM)

Tanguy Lemoine | Univ. Grenoble Alpes (LITT&ARTS)

Laurie Raymond | Univ. Savoie Mont Blanc (LLSETI) ; Projet ANR LIBEX

Zeina Tmart | ENS de Lyon (IHRIM)


Scientific Committee:  

Armand Fabio | UCLy, Institut Pierre Gardette.

Badiou-Monferran Claire | CLESTHIA, Univ. Sorbonne Nouvelle

Breitbarth Anne | Univ. Gent

Capin Daniéla | LiLPa, Univ. de Strasbourg

Carpitelli Elisabetta | GIPSA-lab, Univ. Grenoble Alpes

Carlier Anne | STIH, Sorbonne Univ. 

Combettes Bernard | ATILF, Univ. De Lorraine

Denoyelle Corinne | Litt&Arts, Univ. Grenoble Alpes

Glikman Julie  | ATILF, Univ. Lorraine

Goux Mathieu | CRISCO, Univ. Caen..

Guillot-Barbance Céline | IHRIMENS de Lyon

Kuyumcuyan Annie | LiLPa, Univ. de Strasbourg

Lagorgette Dominique | LLSETIUniv. Savoie Mont Blanc & Projet ANR LIBEX.

Larrivée Pierr | CRISCO, Univ. Caen.

Lavrentiev Alexei | IHRIM, CNRS

Petit Daniel | AOeOc, ENS-Paris

Pinche Ariane | CIHAM, CNRS

Pɫocharz Piotr | ArScAn, Univ. Paris Nanterre

Premat Timothée | CEDITEC, Univ. Paris Est Créteil 

Prévost Sophie | Lattice, CNRS

Saiz-Sanchez Marta Univ. Complutense de Madrid

Sauzet Patrick | CLLE, Univ. Toulouse II Jean Jaurès

Siouffi Gilles | STIHSorbonne Univ.

Skupien Dekens Carine | ILCF, Univ. de Neuchâtel

Sorba Julie | LIDILEM, Univ. Grenoble Alpes

Surrel Vincent | SFL, Univ. Paris 8 et CNRS & Centre Jean-Mabillon, École nationale des chartes, Univ. PSL 

Vangaever Jasper | Univ. Gent 

Verjans Thomas | CLLE, Univ. Toulouse II Jean Jaurès.

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