Third Rencontres of young researchers in historical linguistics

After a first edition in Lyon (2019), and a second cancelled due to the pandemic (2020), the third Rencontres of young researchers in historical linguistics  will be held for a third time in Grenoble on the 4th and 5th of December, 2025. The conference is aimed at providing a forum for young researchers working on the history of Indo-European languages to present their work and discuss it with members of their scientific community.

The primary objective of the third Rencontres is to facilitate interactions and knowledge sharing among young researchers with similar research interests. They are intended to bring together presentations which examine either diachronic evolutions of languages or past synchronic states. We therefore welcome submissions addressing methodological or theoretical issues, or comprising case studies, in all approaches, including but not limited to: syntax, morphology, phonology, phonetics, semantics, lexicology, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and dialectology. 

We strongly encourage contributions that apply and/or enable computational analyses such as corpus linguistics, digital philology, textometry or any other digital humanities approach whose results may be of interest to the scientific community. In this respect, studies dealing with the conception and/or diffusion of corpora suitable for linguistic and/or philological analysis are most welcome.  

This year we have the honour of welcoming Bernard Combettes and Ariane Pinche as keynote speakers.

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